Tuesday, December 9, 2008

thank  you Jose for being the firs one on speaking in the morning I know  that it was not OK for us not to speak except for Jose Aguilar because he also said something and he was the number 1 to speak thats all I wanted to say and thankyou !!!!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

do now 12,8,08

 What might be some common reasons why teens hack in computers are because they think its cool or just want to impress some one by doing it and think that there not going to get caught the first time but they might get caught the second time. What are some likely consequences are that they might be fine lots of money and can go to jail . Can hacking ever be ethical well I think it can because what if they some one  is robing money from your account and you want to find out whats happening to it.