Friday, September 12, 2008

1.  Explain the steps of the design cycle.
the first thing you do is investigate   Second  
2. Explain what your gmail account should be:

 3. What should your password be?

4. Do you have a Techconnect log in?  If so what is it?
the same thing as your blogpass word

5.  What is the URL for your blog?                       

Thursday, September 11, 2008

by studing more and not talking  while teacher is talking
MVP technology is very difreent from my other school becouse here they pay attention to you and in my other school they didint
i have lerened alot from Idea mission last week ihave learenned  what we are going to study tru out the year
I know i kan be a ib learner by being arisk taker and opening my mined
IDEA Mission is very diffrent for me becouse  its not like my other school my other cumputer classes were boring

Monday, September 8, 2008

What I learned in IDEA mIssion this week.

Idea Mission school is very different from my other  school becouse of the teachers  they'er and our vice principle i just like how they treat me and how they like to be their to teach us and how they make me feel safe and how i cant wait to get in some of my classes and how my teachers persuade and convince us to study and to graduate not only from high school but fro college to.But my other school they just wanted us to leave their class and not care if we pass or not will just change classes and they would say write what's on the board and she/he would seat down so im realy happy about chenging to the idea mission. Thechnoligy is gowing to help us by knowing how to use the computer and learn what Mrs H inojosa has to teach us . i think technoligy is going to make abig diffrnce for my life and i whant to thank eery teacher for teaching me and my class mates.

How Could I Become An IB Learned
